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Showing posts from November, 2014

Workflow on custom portlet

 In certain situation we require workflow in our custom portlet. We will see next what is the procedure for workflow on custom portlet. Find below full source code for workflow on custom portlet. It will show only approved feedback in list of it. SOURCE CODE You can find more detail below

Liferay interview questions

What is Liferay Portal? In General a web portal represents a web application that provides a single point of access to variety of information. Functionality of a portal can extend very easily by creating custom applications that can run inside a portal.   These applications are called portlet.   For running portlet we require application server that can run a portlet container spec (JSR168 or JSR286).   There are dozens of free and enterprise portal products available.   Liferay portal is an open source portal. Below are benefits of it. 1.       Content management system. 2.       Workflow 3.       Social networking 4.       Easy integration with LDAP, Alfresco, Solr, CAS etc. 5.       Inbuilt available portlet related with News, Finance, Social, Workflow etc. 6.       Compatible with differe...